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Writer's pictureDaniel Gill

The Woke Olympics

The 2024 Paris Olympics will become known as the Woke Olympics. It is true that the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics have been, for a number of years now, hijacked for the purpose of promoting woke ideologies. But this year the woke ideology has infiltrated almost every aspect of the Olympics, not just the opening and closing ceremonies. Paris 2024 Olympics has given us a small glimpse into what a woke society might look like.


The opening ceremony is where the woke nature of the Olympics first came to the attention of the world. During the opening ceremony there was an attempt to re-invent the Last Supper (one of the most sacred events of the Christian faith). This depiction of the Last Supper involved replacing Jesus and His disciples, with transvestites, many of whom were dressed in such a way as to expose their private parts. Other than this being completely inappropriate viewing for children, and others who do not like viewing pornographic type material, it was a very intentional mockery of the Christian faith. This is a very woke thing to do, as the woke religion is diametrically opposed to Christianity in almost every way and is very intent on destroying it.


They were claims made that it was not a depiction of the Last Supper, but instead was a depiction of an ancient pagan ceremony. This lie was quickly disproven. French media reporting on the games were given a program naming it “The scene of the Last Supper.” And if that is not sufficient evidence, one of the performers, as well as an Olympic spokesman, came out and declared that it was an intended as a depiction of the Last Supper.


The attack on Christianity was not restricted to mocking the most sacred Christian ritual during the opening ceremony. An attempt to peacefully and legally protest this mockery, was shutdown by totalitarian French police. An organisation by the name of Citizen Go (which is not a Christian organisation, although there are many Christians involved in it), organised to have a bus drive around Paris with the words “Stop Attacks on Christians” written on the side. Despite the fact that the organisers had followed all French and Paris laws, the bus was stopped by armed police who pointed their weapons at the driver. Those on the bus were then handcuffed, strip searched, and detained. They were also denied the right to contact anyone including family members and lawyers. All of this despite the fact that they were never charged with any crime. When their lawyers eventually found out what had happened, they had them released, and the police had admitted that they had not broken any laws.


The woke agenda involved a lot more than just mocking and silencing Christianity. The Olympic organisers decided to use Olympic athletes as guinea pigs in a trial on what living the ideal woke life looks like. The Olympic village was designed to be an environmentally friendly accommodation. This resulted in the beds being made out of cardboard and storiform type materials. It is not clear how these beds were more environmentally friendly then regular beds, but what is clear is that they are not very conducive to a good night’s sleep. With one Italian athlete by the name of Thomas Ceccon choosing to sleep in the park, due to the beds, and the lack of air-con (remembering that it is summer in France right now). Which leads to the next problem; there was no air-conditioning in the accommodation. This resulted in many athletes including the USA tennis team booking into a hotel, and the Australian Olympic committee brought in portable air-cons for their athletes.


The other problem that many athletes complained about was the food. The Olympic organisers went with a primarily vegan menu, including vegan patties. One Athlete said that he was told he was only allowed to have two portions of meat. Despite these rations they ran out of meat and eggs at the Olympic village. It is important to remember that professional athletes consume more protein than the average person does food. But the Olympic organisers were so concerned about their woke religion that they did not consider that.


Possibly the most controversial aspect of the woke Olympics was the inclusion of two genetic males in the women’s boxing. Both of these boxes had previously been excluded by the International Boxing Association, after a genetic test showed conclusively that they were male. However, the International Olympic Committee decided to allow them to compete as women, on the basis that their passports said they were women. Both of these men won gold medals (in two different weight divisions). Some people have become confused about the nature of the gender of these athletes as they do not appear to be transgender, but rather have lived as women their whole life. Due to the attention that transgenderism has received lately, most people immediately think of that when issues like this arise. However, in this case it appears the two athletes involved in this controversy are intersex. Intersex and other rare cases like them can cause genetic confusion for individuals and those around them, however, at the end of the day the defining reality that determines your sex is genetic, and in this case the genetic test clearly showed that these athletes were men.


Some have claimed that the International Boxing Association are making false claims. If this is the case the two athletes involved could simply just get a genetic test done, and publicise the results, and the controversy would be over. The fact that they have not done that should be sufficient evidence to support the credibility of International Boxing Associations statements.


The Paris Olympics was a disaster in many ways, including some I have not mentioned here, but there is an important lesson we should all be learning from all this. The Paris Olympics has brought to our attention a few important aspects of the woke religion and the results of pursuing such an ideology. The first aspect is that wokeism hates Christianity and intends to destroy it. This is an important truth for the church to take note of, because unfortunately a number of Churches, and Christian leaders are attempting to combine Christianity and Wokeism. This is problematic not only because the Bible clearly condemns syncretism (the combining of Christianity with other religions or ideologies), but also because synchronising with a religion that wants to destroy you, can only result in the destruction of the Christian faith.


Another aspect of Wokeism that the Olympics brought to light is that it is incredibly intolerant and as a result leads to totalitarianism. Freedom of religion as well as many of the other freedoms we enjoy are the result of Christianity. To replace Christianity with Wokeism will result in the loss of those freedoms and replace them with a totalitarian society.


The final aspect of Wokeism that was highlighted to us by these Olympics is that the “green agenda” they are trying to sell us, is poorly thought through, and doesn’t work. Paris Olympics provided athletes with the worst accommodation conditions ever seen at an Olympics, because of a desire to adhere to false notions of what it means to be environmentally friendly. And the current trajectory that our governments are taking in Australia, such as getting rid of fossil fuels, and replacing them with wind and solar, will only result in similar outcomes here, regarding living conditions.


It is worth drawing attention to what was happening off the field at this year’s Olympics, because hopefully it will help people realise how disastrous Wokeism is for our society.

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