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Australia is in the middle of a moral and social decline, and this is being led by the politicians and the media. Politicians spend most of their time talking about issues such as housing, education, and healthcare. Although these are important issues for governments to address; I will be focusing my attention on even more important issues such as: the sanctity of human life, the autonomy of the nuclear family, and the freedoms our forefathers fought hard to provide us with, while still fighting for practical solutions and tangible outcomes in other important areas.

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Sanctity of Life

The Bible makes it clear that all people are made in the image of God & that we are fully human from the moment of conception.

For this reason, I believe that human life is sacred, and should be protected by law from the moment of conception until the point of natural death.

The Nuclear Family

The family unit is a God-ordained structure that provides the fundamental building block for a healthy society.

The nuclear family is made-up of a father, a mother, and their children. For a variety of reasons not all families in our society look like this, but the government should aim to encourage and protect this as the normative family structure.



A free and virtuous people make for a safe and happy society. For this reason, God ordained government for the purpose of maintaining law and order. When governments fail to live up to their commission we have chaos, when they go beyond their commission we have totalitarianism.

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