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Get Involved

Running for parliament takes time, money, and most importantly networking. To be successful I need people like you to come on board and support me in various different ways, such as prayer, volunteering, financial donations and spreading the word.


I believe that there is nothing more powerful, or more important than prayer. This means the number one way you can support me as a political candidate is by praying for me. The political world is a difficult place, where you can come under a lot of pressure, and face immense temptation. Christians who enter the political world are under a lot of pressure to compromise or sideline their faith. So, I need you to pray that I will act and speak, in a way that honours God, and demonstrates godly character, both in public and in private. I also need prayer for wisdom and discernment.


I will be looking for a number of volunteers to come onboard and help me in a number of different ways. The main area I will be looking for volunteers is to hand-out how-to-vote cards at polling booths and pre-polling booths. One other important role is to have a scrutineer at each of the polling booths for the evening after election. If you are able to spare some time to help with my campaign, contact me, and I will get you involved.


Everything costs money and political campaigns are no different. If you can make a small contribution to my campaign it would be greatly appreciated. You can donate by depositing money into the bank account below or contacting me.

Account Name - Daniel J Gill

Account Number - 763841254

BSB - 084558

Donations cannot be anonymous.

Donations are not tax deductible.

Spread the Word

No-one will vote for me, unless they know who I am and what I stand for. Therefore, I will need help spreading the word. One way of doing this is be-friending me on facebook; and liking, commenting and sharing as you deem appropriate. The other way is to have conversations with friends and family about politics, mentioning my name, and sharing with them what I stand for.

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